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Сообщения, опубликованные Oneuproad

  1. I just really do not understand what is the fucking point of counting the chinese into this vote in general(trying hard not to be racist), or what was the point of this vote also in general.

    https://prnt.sc/112zeuh - apparently there was a big wave of bans between the start and end of the poll, now let's be honest we know all that most of the bans were for chinese, ever since that day I have seen close to no spam in the LFG about selling items for chinese yuan, not like this is going to stop them from selling items for real money. Why do the chinese want to keep 1.9? It is known that chinese play many games for making real money out of ingame items, surprisingly 1.9 has an eternal weapon that if you want to sell you can only do if you sell your entire account, making the item a lot more valuable than a 2.1 eternal weapon, coincidence I guess?

    People who want to stick to 1.9 because they joined the server late - This is completely mental, and I do not even understand anyone who played both 1.X and 2.X, how can even come to the decision to choose 1.X for gearing over 2.X. I play since day 1 and I have reached what I can excluding rng with semi-hardcore mindset on this server. These people want to stay in this patch to "gear up", but 2.1 offers more gearing up options, faster ways of gearing up, etc. On top of it the PvP gear is basically the same, there is just an idiocy check if you buy or not buy lv55 gold PvP items.

    Fly pvp - JUST MOVE ON, it never worked and it never will. Great idea by ncsoft but super poorly executed.

    Heiron and Beluslan - both are dogshit maps for pvp with guard hugging, just that heiron is like 5 times worse. Gelk, Ingi, Silentera offer spots to camp and a wide range of area to kite without running into guards(fuck you omega and ragnarok).

    State of siege - elyos are absolutely lacking and you can see them dropping even the will to try, not even the 3 dredgions can make a change anymore, why is asmo side still not locked? I know since early days that many players do not bother with siege, because they do not have to bother to have access to their content aka dark poeta, it was always good to see around 40-50 elyos at dark poeta entrance 5 minutes before siege. Now in 2.1 if you want to have your beloved pve content you need to do siege, because if you do not get both forts in your area you won't have a portal to silentera canyon. Some elyos are scared of them getting stomped and asmos having all 4 forts in the new areas, but let's be honest the chances for this is very low. You need coordination that requires communication for this, and communication is the biggest lack on this server due to language, it is not going to happen especially if we get 4 dredgions(lol).

    In short 2.1 would promote both pve and pvp content for both groups of players, it would also vastly improve the crafting variety and on top of it reduces the RMT chinese can do as tahabata is going to be a lot less worth with new lv55 eternals present in the game.

    (Also classic is knocking on the door)

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